Our Products

Our company can supply the volumes required by our current and future clients, always safeguarding quality, attention and complying with current laws to achieve successful export. Now a days we work in markets like: Spain, Iraq, Tunisia, Belgium, Libya, Slovenia, Germany, Portugal, and Chile

Fresh Products

For international markets is one that is harvested and handled with minimal processing to retain its natural state, ensuring high quality, safety, and nutritional value. The classification and successful marketing of these products require adherence to strict standards and efficient supply chain management to meet the demands of global consumers. The classification of a product as “fresh” can encompass a variety of factors including harvesting practices, handling, transportation, and storage.

Good Agricultural Practices

GAP are essential for creating a sustainable, safe, and productive agricultural system. By adopting GAP, farmers can enhance the quality and safety of their products, protect the environment, and improve their livelihoods. The successful GAP’implementation requires a collaborative effort involving farmers, policymakers, researchers, and consumers to promote practices that benefit the entire agricultural value chain.


Food sustainability is about creating a food system that is capable of nourishing the population today and in the future, without compromising the health of the planet or the ability of future generations to meet their own food needs.

It requires a holistic approach that integrates environmental health, economic viability, and social equity into every aspect of the food chain, from production to consumption.



The ITOR accreditation certifies and guarantees that all garbage or non-toxic organic elements that are generated in an agricultural, industrial, semi-industrial, artisanal process or in any type of production activity, are professionally collected, transported and processed with the main objective to nullify its environmental impact. The final disposal of the product obtained at the end of the Bio remediation process will have a favorable effect on the environment in general.


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First Class Premium Fruit. It is a profitable and important fruit at the level of food policy.

Pitahaya from Ecuador is already exported to 56 countries.

The length of our plantain varies between 25 to 32 centimeters.

Ecuadorian Malanga is recognized in international markets for its pleasant flavor and texture.

Products for International Markets!


Bananas offer a wide array of benefits, from their rich nutritional profile and health advantages to their practical uses and economic importance. Their versatility, affordability, and year-round availability make them a staple food in many diets worldwide. Promoting the benefits of bananas can help boost their consumption in international markets, supporting both consumer health and the economies of banana-producing regions.

Good Agricultural Practices

Producing high-quality crops and livestock that meet market and consumer expectations.

Protecting natural resources, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring the long-term viability of farming operations.

Ensuring that agricultural products are safe for consumption.


Dragon fruit stands out for its medicinal and nutritional properties. It contains vitamin C and its antioxidant capacity prevents premature aging, promoting the generation of collagen. In addition, it helps in reducing blood pressure levels and is recommended to treat diabetes.


It is a product that consumers like for its texture, size, durability and consistency when frying.

It is healthy, gluten-free and for its nutritional contributions, such as fiber, sodium, potassium.


Malanga is a tuber that provides us with a large amount of nutritional content such as calcium, protein, iron, fiber, among others.
There is great demand in international markets such as the United States, with potential consumers being migrants from Europe and Central America.

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